Configuring Tailwind CSS in a Symfony Project

Configuring Tailwind CSS in a Symfony Project

Table of Contents


Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that can speed up your frontend development process. In this article, I'll show how to configure Tailwind CSS in a Symfony project to optimize your styling workflow.

Tailwind CSS Configuration

To set up Tailwind CSS in your Symfony project, you'll need to create a configuration file. Here's an example of what your tailwind.config.js might look like:

module.exports = {
  mode: 'jit',
  content: [
  safelist: ['badge-success', 'badge-warning', 'badge-error', 'my-0'],
  // Add more configuration options here

Let's break down the key parts of this configuration:

JIT Mode

mode: 'jit',

The mode: 'jit' setting enables Tailwind's Just-in-Time mode. This compiles your CSS on-demand, resulting in smaller file sizes and faster build times.

Content Sources

content: [

The content array specifies where Tailwind should look for class names. In this case, it's scanning:

  • JavaScript files in the assets directory
  • Twig templates
  • Symfony's form layouts that use Tailwind


safelist: [

The safelist array includes classes that you want Tailwind to include in your CSS, even if they're not found in your content sources. This is useful for dynamically generated classes.

Integrating with Symfony

To fully integrate Tailwind CSS with your Symfony project:

  1. Install Tailwind CSS via npm or yarn.
  2. Create a PostCSS configuration file (postcss.config.js) to include Tailwind.
  3. Update your Webpack Encore configuration to process your CSS with PostCSS.
  4. Import Tailwind's base styles in your main CSS file.

More details: Tailwind CSS Installation Guide


Configuring Tailwind CSS in your Symfony project can greatly enhance your frontend development workflow. By leveraging Tailwind's utility classes and Symfony's powerful backend, you can create robust and stylish web applications more efficiently.

Remember to optimize your Tailwind configuration as your project grows, and consider using Symfony's asset versioning to ensure your styles are always up to date.